From the Foreword: In First Corinthians 10:32, the Spirit of God draws attention to the three classes, generally speaking, in this present age: the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God. Throughout Scripture, too, He distinguishes between the Church and the Kingdom. The necessity of "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15), and thus clearly defining the various classes and the differing spheres, is of prime importance in understanding the purposes of God for this present age and the one to come.
Perhaps nothing has ever been so helpfully written to give the student of the Word of God an understanding of the Scriptures in this regard, as The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven by brother F.W. Grant. Having been out of print for some time, we feel led of the Lord to make it available once again to the people of God, with prayer for blessing on these timely and important lines of truth.
- Author: Grant, F.W.
- Binding: Paper
- Pages: 88