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Lectures on the Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Author: William Kelly

395 pages

What will the tribulation be like? What will happen to Israel after the rapture? How about the earth - what changes will be seen when Christ sets up His kingdom?

These are just a few of the interesting questions treated in the eight lectures comprising this book. But it is more than a matter of simple interst - every Christian should have a basic understanding of the coming of Christ.

Mr. Kelly was one of the remarkable men whom God used mightily to expound His precious Word.

When many of his ecclesiastical contemporaries had capitulated to biblical criticism which deeply undermined confidence in the inspired Word of God, Mr. Kelly remained true to "...the faith once for all delivered to the saints."

Mr. Kelly was an outstanding scholar who deeply loved the Word of God and the precious Savior of whom it speaks from cover to cover.


  1. The Christian Hope and the Sure Word of Prophecy
  2. The Jews in Relation to the Coming of the Lord
  3. The Gentiles in Relation to the Coming of the Lord
  4. The Church of God in Relation to the Coming of the Lord
  5. The Rapture of the Saints Raised or Changed at Christ's Coming
  6. The Tribulation and Those who are to Pass Through it
  7. The Appearing and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus
  8. The Judgment and the Eternal State
  9. Appendix
    1. On the Lord's Announcement of Gentile Judgments
    2. On the "Rosh" of Ezekiel 38 and 39