An Exposition of the Gospel of Luke
By: William Kelly
A delightfully unique, deep study on the Gospel of Luke. Excellent for mature Bible students.
“There is no Gospel which more shows the mind and love of God, none is more truly and evidently inspired, none so deeply marked by traces of the human hand and heart.” So says Mr. Kelly in his prologue. He firmly believed that the Holy Spirit inspired Luke to delineate our Lord as a man, both in body and soul.
This book chapter-by-chapter commentary; yet it has helpful marginal notes, which enable the reader to know the verses he is dealing with at any given place
ISBN-13: 9780881721027
Dimensions: 5.0 X 7.0″
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 382
Publisher: Believer’s Bookshelf
Weight: 0.95 lbs
Author: Kelly, William