The title of the opening chapter of this book is
“What is a Disciple?”
The purpose of the book is to answer that question.
Generally, most people think that the disciples were a special group of men found in the Bible. They would not be wrong with this answer but it nevertheless falls short of the whole truth. Yes, there were disciples in the New Testament. But every believer is called to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ—even in our own day.
This helpful little book will answer many questions dealing with the important and timely topic of discipleship. It is written in a contemporary easy-to-read style that is helpful for young people but will be interesting and challenging for mature believers as well.
In the second half of the book there is a helpful Discussion Questions Study Guide based on each chapter. This Study Guide will benefi t small groups study as well as larger Bible studies. It also can be used with much profi t for individual study. We highly recommend this book.