Author: H. A. IRONSIDE
Pages: 45
Publisher: Chapter Two
Publish Date: 2016
Condition: New.
Binding: Paperback
Baptism identifies Christians with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death. The Bible says that when we go under the waters of baptism, we are 'buried with Him' (Rom. 6:4). This acknowledges God's judgment of us as sinners, which the Lord Jesus suffered on our behalf at the cross. It should lead to lives that please Him and that are morally separate from the world that crucified Him. The same verse describes this as walking 'in newness of life'. This booklet examines and explains the references to baptism in the Bible in a comprehensive and straightforward way. It also deals with some of the false doctrines and differences of opinion about baptism that have emerged over the years. It was written in the early 20th century so we have edited the English and used the New King Jame Version for Bible quotations to enhance its readability for new and younger Christians.
Pages: 45
Publisher: Chapter Two
Publish Date: 2016
Condition: New.
Binding: Paperback
Baptism identifies Christians with the Lord Jesus Christ in His death. The Bible says that when we go under the waters of baptism, we are 'buried with Him' (Rom. 6:4). This acknowledges God's judgment of us as sinners, which the Lord Jesus suffered on our behalf at the cross. It should lead to lives that please Him and that are morally separate from the world that crucified Him. The same verse describes this as walking 'in newness of life'. This booklet examines and explains the references to baptism in the Bible in a comprehensive and straightforward way. It also deals with some of the false doctrines and differences of opinion about baptism that have emerged over the years. It was written in the early 20th century so we have edited the English and used the New King Jame Version for Bible quotations to enhance its readability for new and younger Christians.