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Hamilton Smith was known for his clear, concise, and

most importantly, doctrinally sound Christ-centered

writings. In this book he explores various aspects of the

Church of God. He does not turn to tradition, history, or to

the teachings of men but rather to the Word of God. This

is most necessary when looking at this subject in light of

all the clashing opinions and sects of Christianity.

The author looks at:

• The Church in Actual Existence

• The Church in the Counsels of God

• The Church in the Ways of God

• The Church as Administered by Paul

• The Church as the House of God According to the

Mind of God

• The Church as the House of God in the Hands of Men

• The Church as the Body of Christ

• The Church in a Day of Ruin

Christ’s presence is promised to two or three gathered to

His Name (Matthew 18:20). What do these words of the

Lord Jesus signify ? The promise is given to “two or three,”

words which, of course, applied to the brightest day of the

Church’s history, but adapt themselves so blessedly for a

day of weakness when the numbers gathered to His Name

in any given place may be reduced to the smallest possible

number. This is the blessed resource for all believers in a

day which we live.

The reader will be encouraged as he reads this book,

despite all the failure of men—Christ’s words and promise

remains true.