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Author: J. N. DARBY

Binding: Paperback

This pamphlet was originally written as two separate tracts by J. N. Darby. The first was entitled "Separation from Evil: God's Principle of Unity," which presented one side of the matter. The second, "Grace, the Power of Unity and Gathering, " was written many years later to furnish the other side. Both aspects of this subject are especially significant in these last days.
A collective testimony unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the faithful and true Witness, in a day of outward ruin, cannot go beyond the reality of the true condition of things on the earth. Such a testimony will, of necessity, be to the ruin itself but on no other ground except the Word of God, if it is of Himself. A path within the "great house" (2 Timothy 2:20) is available to every believer who, through the power of grace, separates from evil unto Him, outside the camp (Hebrews 13:13). May the Holy Spirit be pleased to use this pamphlet to kindle a fresh desire in the heart of each of the Lord's people to follow the Scriptural order for unity and gathering.